So I've been living here since last Thursday night. All and all it feels prettttty, pretty, pretty good (to quote Curb Your Enthusiasm). There's still lots of things still to do both on my part as well as loose ends the contractors need to tie up, but as of now it's at least livable. My mom and I made a good bit of progress on my closet this weekend, so that's underway. Still to come is painting the spiral stairs, painting the basement/garage interior, finishing the bedroom closet shelving/organization, and doing the pantry closet shelving. The closet's looking good so far, and I've taken before pictures/video to compare with what it looks like after.
So far I've been pretty happy with the floor poly job. There are a couple place which were missed though, so once other projects are completing I'll put another coat on a few spots. Once area of concern doesn't have to do with the poly, but with the actual installation. The floors were supposed to be leveled, but in some places, apparently they weren't leveled enough, making the flooring gives a bit under your foot. They're not bad visually, it's just that I worry that over time the movement will break the tongues/grooves and the tiles will separate. Only time will tell.
Here's a picture of the floor using a new technique I found out about called high dynamic range photography (HDR). To do it, you take multiple exposures at different shutter speeds. The images are then combined together to create a single composite picture taking the properly developed portions of each picture.
The best I could get this picture without this technique was either very underexposed or very overexposed. I'm going to try and use this same technique with the outside of the building. Taking pictures of the house against the bright sky can be tough.
Sanchez (my cat) was very freaked out when I first brought her over. She went and hid under the bed, in the nook in the bathroom, behind the toilet, etc. etc.
This continued for a few days and is now starting to subside. She's getting curious about the rest of the house. Whenever I go into the garage area I can hear her crying because she doesn't know where I am.
She also hung out in "her" window seat a couples times, apparently missing the birds in this instance:
One thing I'm definitely not happy with is that the air conditioner condenser unit on the roof makes a considerable amount of noise in my bedroom. This is something I was assured wouldn't be a problem, so I definitely expect this to be taken care of.
There's lots more....
Sometime soon.
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позвала подружку пойти погулять в парк вместо двух последних уроков. все точно еще учительница опоздает на урок минут на 20-30 и зачем сидеть в пыльном классе. подружка не согласилась. да ладно, учебник то можно и дома прочитать - учительница со второго урока приходит на урок, открывает учебник и начинает читать механическим голосом (как робот). Если спросить ее что - то,Ю что почему-то она не хочет объяснять. Вырастите - все сами возьмете в толк.
Так вот состыкавалась такая пара и я решила свинтить с этих уроков. говорю не хочешь в парк, пойдем в баскин-роббинс, мороженного поедим разного, посплетничаем, я угощаю. че в школе плесенью покрываться? подружка опять не в какую. говорю ты чего такая скучная, весь учебный год еще впереди, успеем еще научится всему.
Подружка мне говорит вот мол классная родителям позвонит, и т. д. и т. п. Я ей тебя подруга реально попрасила, с тобой и так в классе общаюсь только я одна, с тобой ходить неудобно, общаться скучно, только контроши у тебя скатывать. Она: значит мы дружим только из-за контрольных? я залепила ей пощечину. она заревела и пошла прочь. яхотела догнать ее и извиниться, подружка матом послала меня.
сижу и думаю стоит мириться или же нет. и в случае в случае если да, то как.
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